Wind power generation is a global industry, and safety is the number one priority for companies operating within this industry. The Global Wind Organisation (GWO) is a non-profit organization founded by leading turbine manufactures and owners/operators, with the goal of creating a safer, more productive workplace. The GWO Basic Safety Training program (GWO-BST) was created as the safety standard for those working at height in the wind industry. It is globally recognized and ensures that any GWO-BST certificate holder has demonstrated competence and proficiency in the following areas: GWO-WLA Wind Limited Access | GWO BST-1005 Basic Safety Training | GWO BST-WAH-1002 Work at Height | GWO BST-MH-102 Manual Handling | GWO BST-FA-2002 First Aid| GWO BST-FA-101 Fire Awareness | GWO-SS GWO Sea Survival | GWO-EFA Enhanced First Aid | GWO-ART Advanced Rescue Training
In partnership with ENSA North America, Inc., the most comprehensive training company in wind power and a division of Mallory Safety Management Services, Survival Systems USA brings cost-effective, certified quality, fastest-to-compliance training with mobile tower training in Groton, CT.
Course & GWO Module Details
Certified GWO Programs Through ENSA
“Training & technology proven to save lives”
Through ENSA
Basic Safety Training
Certified GWO Programs Through ENSA
Certified GWO
In The News
Brian Hallenbeck, Staff Writer
Groton ― Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Survival Systems USA pivoted.
A leader in training the military, law enforcement and the aviation industry in water safety and survival, the company added the then-fledgling offshore wind industry to its client base just as COVID-19 was shutting things down.
Since 2020, it’s now trained more than 1,500 people working for members of the Global Wind Organization, a nonprofit association of wind turbine manufacturers and renewable energy developers. The demand for Survival Systems’ services keeps growing.
On Friday, the 25th anniversary of the company’s debut here on Tower Avenue
Survival Systems USA Making Most of Offshore Wind Opportunity
CT Company Training Workers for Wind Farms
Alexander Soule, Staff Writer
Less than 25 feet tall, the metal Erector Set-like staging platform in Groton does not appear a particularly daunting climb, save for perhaps anyone with the most extreme fear of heights. But imagine being above the cold North Atlantic waves, peering up hundreds of feet to the top of an offshore wind turbine — your destination — and quaky knees can be expected for at least the first few forays.
That's where Survival Systems USA comes into play, training workers on safe practices for scaling massive, offshore wind towers and working at great heights often in rough weather — and getting back to shore safely when the work is done.
at Survival Systems USA
Go to our HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) for Offshore Wind with CA-EBS page if you travel by helicopter with a compressed air emergency breathing system.

860-405-0002 * 888-386-5371
Survival Systems USA, Inc.
144 Tower Avenue Groton, CT 06340