4 hrs/0.5 day up to 16 hrs/2 day
Prepare to handle real-life emergencies and learn how to survive an aircraft ditching with and without an emergency breathing device such as HEEDS or SEA MK / LV2. Courses using the aircraft simulator (METS) are delivered in Groton, CT.
Equivalency: EBS, ADC
Accreditation: FAA WINGS Basic, Advanced, and Master credit available
4 hrs/0.5 day up to 8 hrs/1 day
Aviation Survival & Egress Training Course delivered at a venue near you - does not include aircraft simulator (METS).
Regulations satisfied: AR 95-1
Accreditation: FAA WINGS Basic, Advanced, and Master credit available
4 hrs/0.5 day up to 8 hrs/1 day
Prepare to survive while stranded in the open water with limited resources for an unknown period of time. Courses offered in open water and indoors.
8 hrs/1 day
Prepare to survive in the wild with limited resources for an unknown period of time. Course offered outdoors.
8 hrs/1 day up to 16 hrs/2 day
Prepare for in-flight emergencies at higher altitudes - First aid/CPR/AED, cabin decompression, hypoxia, and oxygen delivery, highjacking, and a variety of other abnormal circumstances. Commonly combined with Aviation Survival & Egress Training Course.
Regulations satisfied: FAR 135.331, FAR 91 Sub-Part K
Accreditation: FAA WINGS Basic, Advanced, and Master credit available
Survival Systems USA offers a number of courses to address the risks faced by organizations and individuals as they travel by air, over water, or near water. As technology improves and travel becomes more economical, people are more frequently traveling by plane, helicopter, and boat. Career paths or lifestyles requiring frequent travel by air or water are at the greatest risk for a sudden emergency. Producing the best possible outcomes during these emergencies means training and preparation before the emergency occurs. The urgency for survival training is multiplied when there is the potential to be stranded for an indefinite period of time or when resources are limited. Whether traveling by air, water, or land you could find yourself in a life-threatening situation and in need of survival skills within a matter of seconds. Survival Systems USA provides the knowledge and training that may one day save your life or the life of a loved one.
Course Categories
Here's what we're talking about
“Training & technology proven to save lives”
survival Training
1/2 Day to 5 day
Tailored to an organization’s specific needs. Choose from existing subjects or have an entirely new course developed.
"In late September 2018, I scheduled a one-day underwater egress course with Survival Systems USA in Groton, Connecticut. I had wanted to take the course for a long time since I fly amphibian aircraft recreationally on a regular basis, but I kept putting it off due to time constraints. I have almost 3,000 hours in amphibian Huskies and Seareys. The course was more than I ever imagined. My anticipated anxiety over being upside down, seat-belted, underwater was quickly calmed by the very capable staff. The cockpit was configured to replicate the Husky I currently fly. After six or seven rollovers and following their system of exiting the cockpit, I felt confident in my new discipline, although it is one that I hope never to have to use. I felt very satisfied with my decision to take the course and had no regrets regarding my investment in order to learn new things about seaplane flying. I was amazed to discover how many things I did not know! Survival Systems USA offered a useful, challenging, and informative learning experience that did not disappoint. I think every seaplane pilot should consider this course." - Jerry Roth January/February 2019 Water Flying Magazine
8 hrs/1 day up to 16 hrs/2 day
Army personnel operating aircraft engaged in over-water flight are required to adhere to Army Regulation 95-1 - Page 50, Section 8-11, f(3)_22Mar2018.
Regulations satisfied: AR 95-1
Equivalency: DTC and DTCR
7 hrs/1 day
Offshore safety and emergency response training for personnel traveling by helicopter within the offshore wind industry.

860-405-0002 * 888-386-5371
Survival Systems USA, Inc.
144 Tower Avenue Groton, CT 06340