Preparation for Flight to Greenland
By Jep Peacock October 2, 2019
"It was recommended that we take a water survival course which was one of the best things we did to prepare. We took it at Water Survival Systems [Survival Systems USA] in Groton [Connecticut] and I can’t say enough good things about them. This is an 8 hour course half in the classroom and the second half in the pool where you learn a lot of skills and finish by strapping yourself into a simulated cockpit with a 4 point harness then the fuselage gets dunked into a 15’ pool in the dark with all the drama of a Hollywood movie set. It’s scary, it’s uncomfortable, and it will train you how to stop and think in a crisis. After everything was said and done this course was the scariest hardest part of the whole trip. This course gave us the warm and fuzzies the entire time we were flying over water, and was the biggest boost in the confidence department. We felt this course would be good for anyone who rides in a car, boat or plane."
According to the Peacocks, survival training is one of the best things they did to prepare.
The pilot and copilot are prepared for a worst-case scenario aircraft ditching.
Landing on a remote island airport off Greenland's eastern coast.
Preflight checks, donn flight suits, run ups... Cleared for departure!
Contact us now to discuss the ASET 1 Course Jep and Joanne Peacock used to prepare for their transatlantic flight. Call 860-405-002 or email

860-405-0002 * 888-386-5371
Survival Systems USA, Inc.
144 Tower Avenue Groton, CT 06340