Aviation Survival & Egress Training (ASET)
This accelerated program addresses the risks associated with frequent travel over or near water by providing pilots, aircrew, and passengers with pre-flight, in-flight, and post aircraft ditching knowledge and survival skills including use of emergency breathing devices. This course covers the same material as Aviation Survival & Egress Training 2 (ASET2), is equivalent to Dunker Training Course Refresher (DTCR), and covers the content required for compliance with AR 95-1.
Presentation on hazards, equipment, and procedures associated with over-water flight
Pre-ditching procedures and landing considerations
Basic underwater escape SWET (Shallow Water Egress Trainer)
Use of emergency breathing system during underwater escape EBD (Emergency Breathing Device)
Full disorientation underwater escape METS® (Modular Egress Training Simulator)
Advanced underwater escape METS® including cross cabin/cockpit and inclement weather
Surface water survival via group and personal hypothermia mitigation (Life vest and raft demo only)
Search and rescue devices and procedures (Demo only)
Eight (8) Hours
Groton Training Center, Groton, CT
Participants must be a minimum of 18 years of age for full participation and certification. Participants under the age of 18 require parental consent and are welcome to participate in the classroom and other non-compressed air exercises, excluding the underwater METS® runs. Participants under the age of 12 may audit the course under the direct supervision of a guardian not involved in training.
All participants who complete the program in accordance with the learning and performance objectives receive a Survival Systems USA course completion certificate.
FAA WINGS credit may be obtained on a case-by-case basis.
Courses are scheduled on a rolling basis. Training calendar seats are booked on a first come, first serve basis.
Learn how to survive during an aviation emergency
"The staff greeted us warmly immediately upon our arrival. The atmosphere at the facility was both casual and energetic. Instructors were well versed on the subject matter and had a terrific ability to present the necessary material while keeping the participants engaged and the learning environment light. The entire staff at Survival Systems USA worked effortlessly together and were with each of us every step of the way to ensure our understanding, comfort, and safety." - Sherri Spagnola, Whirly-Girls
"Excellent course! Being a pilot that flies mostly over water, this has to be the best training I’ve ever experienced in my aviation career. The staff takes great care in making you feel comfortable even when you're upside down in the tank! Highly recommend." - Pilot, Shoreline Aviation
"Today I attended Survival Systems water survival course for the second time. The course content was very informative. The classroom instructors and divers were knowledgeable and encouraging. Excellent job overall!! I would highly recommend." - Scott New, Shoreline Aviation
"Rigorous and challenging training program that prepares you for the worst scenarios. Overall a great experience and very professional, intelligent and helpful staff. As a pilot I would recommend this course for all of those who operate over water at all. As an avid boater, I could see this course would be great as well." - Austin, Shoreline Aviation
This program addresses the risks associated with frequent travel over or near water by providing fixed-wing and helicopter pilots, aircrew, and passengers with pre-flight, in-flight, and post-aircraft ditching knowledge and survival skills.
Presentation on hazards, equipment, and procedures associated with over-water flight
Live cabin smoke and fire control using a portable fire extinguisher
Pre-ditching procedures and landing considerations
Surface evacuation from a floating and submerging aircraft using emergency exits
Basic underwater escape SWET (Shallow Water Egress Trainer)
Full disorientation underwater escape METS® (Modular Egress Training Simulator)
Surface water survival via group and personal hypothermia mitigation (Life vest and life raft)
Search and rescue devices and procedures
Eight (8) Hours
All ASET Programs
This basic program addresses the risks associated with frequent travel over or near water by providing fixed-wing and helicopter pilots, aircrew, and passengers with pre-flight, in-flight, and post-aircraft ditching knowledge and survival skills.
Presentation on hazards, equipment, and procedures associated with over-water flight
Pre-ditching procedures and landing considerations
Surface evacuation from a floating and submerging aircraft using emergency exits
Basic underwater escape SWET (Shallow Water Egress Trainer)
Full disorientation underwater escape METS® (Modular Egress Training Simulator)
Surface water survival via group and personal hypothermia mitigation (Life vest and life raft)
Four (4) Hours
This comprehensive program addresses the risks associated with frequent travel over or near water by providing pilots, aircrew, and passengers with pre-flight, in-flight, and post aircraft ditching knowledge and survival skills including use of emergency breathing devices. The extended format provides the optimal environment to participants to assimilate the required skills. This course is equivalent to the Dunker Training Course (DTC) and covers the content required for compliance with AR 95-1.
Presentation on hazards, equipment, and procedures associated with over-water flight
Hover evacuation procedures
Pre-ditching procedures and landing considerations
Basic underwater escape SWET (Shallow Water Egress Trainer)
Use of emergency breathing system during underwater escape EBD (Emergency Breathing Device)
Full disorientation underwater escape METS® (Modular Egress Training Simulator)
Advanced underwater escape METS® including cross cabin/cockpit and inclement weather
Surface water survival via group and personal hypothermia mitigation (Life vest and raft)
Search and rescue devices and procedures
Sixteen (16) Hours
Request Validation for FAA WINGS Accredited Activity
If you've attended our training and would like to request validation through the FAA website, please select the appropriate FAA WINGS accredited activity below. When selecting credit validator on the FAA website, choose email tab and use training@survivalsystemsinc.com
SSUSA-C-120 Aviation Survival & Egress Training Essentials (ASETE)
SSUSA-C-140 Aviation Survival & Egress Training (ASET1)
SSUSA-C-280 Aviation Survival & Egress Training (ASET2)

860-405-0002 * 888-386-5371
Survival Systems USA, Inc.
144 Tower Avenue Groton, CT 06340